Certainly the very best method to generate income from movie is have your story bought by a Hollywood producer, or just any producer. But up until that takes place, what can you do? Well, quite a lot as it ends up.

Slip off the back cover with the lever that says lomography on the bottom, put the new roll of 35mm film on the left side facing down, pull some movie across the camera and align it with the gears till it goes past the yellow line. However you ought to still ensure you do not pull a lot of film out due to the fact that the spindle will not be able to get your movie.
If you are a trust fund infant you can skip this section. No matter how much money you have saved or just how much money your moms and dads can contribute-- ALWAYS make an application for scholarships and monetary help.
If you delight in big groups of individuals, passages flooded with bodies racing to and fro and hours of theory-- then you understand you wish to be in a big university setting. In this sort of environment you will invest 2 to 3 years studying the history and theory of filmmaking and after that, if your job is selected, you will get to make your film throughout you final year.
You could submit articles to a local newspaper which might be how to guides film making or they could be movie evaluations, you might run a classic film club (inside, in a movie theater or town hall, outside in a park or amphitheatre). You might run a website based upon your preferred motion picture star, a directory of film services or designed to reveal other people's short films, a mini You Tube. Possibly you wish to create a website based upon the Hollywood way of life itself-either now or in the past.
Some online sites you can try are: Independent Film Distribution, Avatar Films, IFC (Independent Movie Channel), yes they do accept submission for independent movies, have a look at their submission standards. Underground Films, Indie Films and Atom Films. There are plenty more, simply do a look for them and you can find the best one for you.
Now back to the sheet film which is all however outdated today. It is thick and flat so that it can move into light proof holders. This ended up being the favorite of experts and serious art photographers in early 1900's and on to the 1950's when movie and lens technology began to make these cumbersome formats, some as large as 11x14 inches and even bigger, somewhat obsolete and now they are virtually gone other than for a couple of crazed enthusiasts.